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Can You Play Helldivers 2 Solo

Can You Play Helldivers 2 Solo?

Solo Play in Helldivers 2

Yes, you can play Helldivers 2 solo. While the game doesn't have a dedicated single-player mode, you can still enjoy the game's missions on your own by adjusting the matchmaking settings.

How to Play Solo

To play Helldivers 2 solo, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Main Menu.
  2. Select "Options."
  3. Go to the "Gameplay" tab.
  4. Set "Matchmaking Lobby" to "Private."

Once you have adjusted the matchmaking settings, you can start a mission and play solo. The game will not attempt to match you with other players, and you will be the only one in the lobby.


Playing Helldivers 2 solo can be a great way to experience the game's challenging missions and cooperative gameplay at your own pace. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to the series, solo play offers a unique and rewarding experience.
